Category: bodega

  • blogocide

    Mickey Kaus says, “You know the blogging trend must be almost over when Time Magazine has a blog.” Oh no, I just linked to Microsoft!

  • Half-Assed Bodhisattva

    bodhisattva take yourself by the hand

  • One (More) Down, Two to Go

    Spent all day re-revising the color insert and finally just sent it in. I’m starved! That’s what I get for blogging away the morning hours. Now I just need to finish the endpapers (they’re good to go, but need screen shot refs for the chapter summaries on the inside front cover, and some table formatting…

  • When Did LiveJournal Implement RSS

    Purty cool. This was one of my complaints (very slooowly driving me to use MovableType for all my blogging needs), the lack of RSS support. I guess I need to add a permanent link somewheres saying something like bodega syndicate. Whoah, syndicate is one of those words that starts to look like it’s spelled wrong…

  • Feed Your Head

    As promised, a photo that should melt your heart be it made of stone: (For some reason, her eyes—which are albino pink—show up darker in these photos. Yes, photos. I’ll post more if anyone begs me to.)

  • Meta-blogging

    This article by Boing Boing co-editor Cory Doctorow is a great explanation of why I feel the need for a “personal expression platform” and what makes me want to get the mediajunkie project off the blocks. I’m reminded of the late ’80s when I encountered Negativland’s Escape from Noise album and then De La Soul’s…