Category: Products

  • Someone's attacking Blogger

    According to a message from Evan Williamson the BloggerDev mailing list, Blogger is being subjected to a denial-of-service (DoS) attack right now.

  • Upstreaming theory

    OK, I think the reason why my Mediajunkie page hasn’t been upstreaming is that my year-long Radio license must have expired. What I’d like to know is why I wasn’t automatically invited to renew it when the time was up? Doesn’t UserLand want my money? Anyway, I did just re-up for another year, mainly for…

  • AOL Journals found wanting

    Salon blogger Rayne Today has been trying out the AOL Journals feature and has some criticisms to share. UPDATE: Rayne Today has also posted further comments about problems with AOL’s approach to blogs (The Clone War Quagmire and earlier entries).

  • Follow up on Dean and software

    Dana Blankenhorn has written a long reply to Dave’s criticism of the Dean campaign, and I’m still a little confused. Is it that the Dean team should not feel free to develop and promulgate technical solutions to their own specific problems? How is that different from any sovereign entity doing so? Does a campaign have…

  • What software is Dean selling?

    Where did Dave get the cockamamie idea that Howard Dean is in the software business? Is it based on the modified version of the open-source Drupal CMS called DeanSpace that some Dean supporters are distributing for free to encourage people to build sites for Dean that will generate and aggregate RSS feeds? If so, how…

  • Radio not upstreaming for me

    Since I moved Radio Free Blogistan to Movable Type I’ve used my Radio software mainly as a public news aggregrator, building the Mediajunkie page from most of my RSS subscriptions. For some reason, though, the page stopped updating on August 30. I’m definitely still picking up new posts. I can see them on my desktop…