Category: The Power of Many

  • YA clueless SNS

    I received a spam invitation to join a SNS, but then they wouldn’t let me in…

  • Who am I?

    I just updated the about the author page at this website.

  • Help wanted

    The time has come to launch this site for real, after all the pre-launches and decloakings and other ramping-ups. I’ve finally got all the sections nearly looking the same, but I could use some help from a PHP maven since I’ve got a blog and a wiki combined at this site and a few of…

  • The power of radio, part two

    I also spoke to Scott McFarland on the Michigan Talk Radio network, syndicated to 28 stations in Michigan on Friday. It will air today (Saturday) but I’m not sure when. He got into some interesting areas related to meeting people online, job searching, and just generally overcoming the stereotype of the Internet as an antisocial…

  • Public vs. private: decision time for the fringe

    The Anti-Defamation League has an article online titled “The Quiet Retooling of the Militia Movement”. It includes a section about how the far right is learning to fine-tune the protection of their own privacy and publicity—basically, learning the lessons of public speech through the classroom of Internet: The more recent resurgence of activity has attracted…

  • Craig in the Times

    I had the opportunity to meet my publicist Susannah Greenberg face to face yesterday (she treated me to a drink at the Rink Bar at Rockefeller Center, where we managed to catch a few breezes in this stifling New York heat), and she told me about this article in the New York Times from earlier…