Category: Musicology

  • Media Junkie Update

    New at Junk Mail since the last update here: A prescient blast from the past (The Onion on Bush’s inaugural) Bill Moyers defends his ethics and NOW Salon wonders if Harken will become W.’s Whitewater Possible U.S. coverup of Afghan wedding disaster SEC never “exonerated” Bush Salon Blog: Bush Impeachment Countdown Talking Points Memo on…

  • "Market Fundamentalism"

    I’m starting to notice this term (market fundamentalism) cropping up more and more from the left. Did it take severe accounting scandals and a precipitous drop in the Dow to bring forth the idea that this flavor of absolutism has become gospel on the right? Speaking of the scandals, I remember when the mantra was…

  • I'm Tired

    I’ll discuss blogrolling tomorrow (Tuesday).

  • Lieberman Had his Chance

    Joe Conason says Gore should run if only to preempt Lieberman, saying he added very little to the ticket in 2000. I’d tend to agree. I’m still fuming at him for giving a Cheney a pass during their one debate when Cheney claimed that his windfall fortune of the ’90s “had nothing to do” with…

  • Tom Tomorrow on the Web and Evil Bubbles

    This Modern World contemplates the madness of crowds.

  • Coming Attractions

    Tomorrow I’ll compare Radio and Blogger. I’ll also look at the term (and practice of) “blogrolling.”