Category: Media Say the Darndest Things

  • Is that really news?

    Didn’t read the article. (Couldn’t be bothered.) But the headline made me chuckle: “Announcement of Supreme Court Nominee May Be Soon”

  • Classic Freudian Slip by Fox’s David Asman

    And the truth shall set ye free.

  • Mistah Kurtz, he dead

    The Poor Man takes the piss out of Stanley Kurtz (Stanley Kurtz Wins the Wankathalon) in such excruciating detail that I’m afraid the feeble old wanker may never recover.

  • Taking David Brooks to the woodshed

    A pointer from Politics from Left to Right led me to Kirsten Powers’ Progressive Pundette blog, where I greatly enjoyed her giving David Brooks what for (David Brooks — Ultimate White Boy). Sometimes I can’t tell if Brooks is a deluded tool or an insidious creep.

  • There they go again

    Now that CBS has scaped a few goats to appease the Republicans, it’s worth dusting off the most appropriate summary of what 60 Minutes did to George Bush on the National Guard AWOL story: They framed a guilty man.

  • F-Bomb-a-rama

    As part of our ongoing War on Terror, is it too much to ask that we ban use of the phrase F-Bomb by so-called major media? Seriously, folks. Lame is lame. And that phrase is. Lame.