Category: Edgewise

  • Immaculately Conceived Torture

    Immaculate Conception is different from the Virgin Birth. Mary gave birth as a virgin, which precluded Original Sin from being transmitted from Joseph. But what about Original Sin being transmitted from Mary? Well, Mary, though not herself the offspring of a Virgin Birth, was also free from sin, because she was produced by Immaculate Conception.…

  • wonderful

    what a lovely night to be a Democrat. I’m just sitting here, watching the proposition results come in over on the CA secretary of state’s site. And those two Ys have switched over to Ns. And we’ve got the floor all set up for a clean sweep. And there’s Virginia! What a great state, Virginia.…

  • Bush Team on a Busman’s Holiday*

    2002 was a busy year for the Bush Team…. January 9: Douglas Feith (OOSP) calls Lt. Gen. Jay Garner on the phone…. Feith: Garner, I got a job for you. Garner: Hello? Who is this? Feith: Directive from da Man himself Garner: The president?! Feith: Rumsfeld, you idiot. Da Man. We need you to put…

  • Yellowcake Shake and Bake

    As the NY Times finally gets its ass in gear and finds some reporters who aren’t owned by their sources to get on the Yellowcake Papers story…we continue with our little tale of aging spies, Italians in love, and the Bush administration’s Alternative Reality Operations (AROs). The Story, Part II: Recipe for a W-r (classified)…

  • Yellowcake Goes to America

    To continue the story of how an aging Italian spy called Rocco, for purposes all his own and not related to Dick Cheney’s need to find the goods on Saddam Hussein in order to justify a war on Iraq, concocted a phony “dossier,” also known as The Niger Papers (or Yellowcake as I like to…

  • Rocco and the Rome connection

    The U.S. Senate Select Intelligence Committee inquiry may be going nowhere but thankfully we have the Italian Parliament to help us in our journey to enlightenment in the Yellowcake! story. And I have Nur-al-Cubicle to thank for providing a lucid summary of La Repubblica‘s reportage on the government investigation of “The Niger Documents”. The Story,…