Category: Information design

  • Zeldman Recommends Tables

    Let the religious war end. With the wit and panache we’ve become accustomed to, Zeldman discusses real-world pragmatic choice for commercial web design or the development of any site that wishes to be presentable and accessible to as wide an audience as possible. As ugly as hacking and debugging nested tables can get, let’s admit…

  • Feedback on Design and Legibility

    While on the one hand it’s self-indulgent to devote so many column inches to discussing the design of this site and its legibility for my readership, on the other hand I’m sure many of the opinions would apply to any blog, so in that spirit I’m going to quote from some of the public comments…

  • My Backdrop Loses Me a Reader

    Just when I was about to brag about having hidden the design of this site from Netscape 4.7, it appears that my new funky backdrop has cost me at least one reader: Have you ever stopped reading or cut down on your reading of a weblog because they changed the design? Radio Free Blogistan, one…

  • Supporting Netscape 4.7 and Other Legacy Browsers

    Just when I was ready to stop tinkering with the design of this site and focus once again on the writing, I was tipped off by an editor friend yesterday that at least one publishing house I’ve worked with (and hope to work with again) is still standardized on Netscape 4.7, the bane of all…

  • Still Working on Pure CSS Design Templates

    I took the generic 3-panel CSS file I derived from a modified version of this site’s new design and set to work converting it to a Blogger template, which is mostly a matter of replacing Radio macros and tags with Blogger-specific tags. A version of that Blogger template is now being used at mediajunkie: junk…

  • CSS Makes Things Easier

    The proof is in the pudding. This (scaled-down, I’m afraid) snapshot of my terminal window shows the Radio Free Blogistan home page in lynx. Coooool: The navigation comes after all the entries, and it even reads fairly well, aside from things like my RSS-feed blogroll, which repeats the final names for the tinyCoffeemug-type images. Worse,…