Category: Radio Free Blogistan

  • Writing != Typing

    It occurred to me today that the way I write by hand is very different from the way I do it with a keyboard. I’m not just talking about the mechanics here, although that plays in to it. I’m lefthanded. Writing longhand seems to bring out a kind of writing that feels different from what…

  • Coincidence? (NY Times)

    The same day the press release about Salon and Userland runs in the Times, the Q&A column in the Circuits section answers that most basic of all weblog questions: How do I start one?. (Link requires a free registration.)

  • On Blog Interoperability

    When they started discussing this experiment on the Well, my first post to the topic there was about the interoperability of these blogs with other formats. As someone with a painful proliferation of blogs ranging from a personal diary at LiveJournal to a number of topical blogs running on Blogger and some experiements based on…

  • Blog Books Pro or Con?

    I was talking to Bill Pollock, the “maverick” publisher of No Starch Press yesterday over lunch in Potrero Hill, pitching him a few titles that some of my author clients would like to write and idly mentioning a few of my own book ideas. When we got to discussing blog books, he said (as many…