Category: Weblog Concepts

  • Microsoft blogs

    Adam Barr has posted an interesting thinkpiece about Microsoft bloggers at kuro5hin. He mainly addresses the idea of Microsoft employees blogging and a bit about MS’s attitude toward the blogosphere. He says, for example, It is highly doubtful that Microsoft is making an official push to dominate blogspace, which would be impossible in any case.…

  • Blogs and the newshour

    I missed this last week when the Lehrer Newshour (on PBS) did a segment on weblogs and journalism. It’s basically just an overview, though it does feature Joshua Marshall and the Trent Lott story.

  • 'Radio Userland Kick Start' breakthrough

    I posted a note on Rogers Cadenhead’s blog, similar to what I posted here about the fact that Rogers’s book represents a watershed or breakthrough because it’s not about weblogs in general but covers one specific tool. Dave Winer posted a followup comment agreeing and I found myself writing an extended reply. It got so…

  • First book on a single blog tool

    I’ve been following the blog book market pretty closely this last year and with the recent Google acquisition of Pyra to get Blogger and Neotony investment in Six Apart to support Movable Type and then TypPad, it’s kind of cool to note that the firstr book dedicated to a single specific blog tool is on…

  • Dean Allen to offer TextPattern hosting

    In my aggregator today (must be a trend), as I’m downloading digiphotos from the first day of Jazz Fest: TextBox. So this is what’s been chewing up the time. There are a number of options in the works for making available paid website hosting integrated with Textpattern (this site’s inchoate but durn near ready content…

  • The feeling of vacation

    “Are you going to do any blogging when you’re here?” my friend S asked me. I told him probably not. Maybe I’ll upload some digital pix from around town or from the crowds (or stage shots) at Fest. But I did have to get online to send a file I had been unable to send…