Category: Enterzone

  • Now it can be told

    The walrus was nick…

  • Old-school time travel

    Old-school time travel

    Privileged to read an advance draft of Martha Conway‘s stunning new novel, Thieving Forest, I was thrilled to attend her book launch party in San Francisco over the weekend. Besides the great spread of victuals and lovely wine (a champagne, a chablis, and a pinot noir) at the sadly now-closed Beast & the Hare, we also…

  • Art history

    Art history

    B shared with me (ok with everyone she knows on the facing book) a great article about software artist John F. Simon Jr.’s creative process. We are fortunate to know him via mutual friends in New Orleans and he contributed an edition of his seminal Every Icon to episode eleven of our 1994-1998 era webzine*,…