Reflexive narcissism

Mirror Pix Up. Got the notification yesterday that my Mirror Project submissions were accepted. I think they look even better with the gray background at the site, a subtle framing.

They’re still not as good as the toasters, eyeshades, and other found reflections, but for what they are, they’re OK.

The first has a kind of Kilroy was Here feel. In the second my eyes go to the rolled cuff, forearm, and hand. The spots on the mirror surface and the Leonardo hands grab my eye in the third one although it was the cropped-off expanse of stucco wall that I liked best when I grabbed it. A zoomed out version would have shown more but the details would have been tiny. It’s a tradeoff. In the first two I wanted the inset images to be at least slightly visible.

I did all the editing in Fireworks. The blurb for the last one gave out a variation on the URL for the alternate images, so I had to put in a symbolic link to the real root and gave the index of the gallery of alternates a base href so that the relative links would still work even if you come in via the variant address.

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