I have been plagued by a telemarketing firm called Heritage Publishing. Their schtick is progressive and bleeding-heart (missing-children type) charities. It was only for a while when B and I had Pacbell’s “Privacy Manager” on our phone that I caught on to the fact that so many of these calls on behalf of various charities were coming from this same company. (in, no doubt, a “right to work” state). I know this has nothing to do with blogs. It just pisses me off.
They wheedle you but I’ve learned how to shut them up. The magic words are “Do you have a “Do Not Call” list?” Suddenly the caller clams up and says “Yes.” I say, “Please put me on it.” They agree and we hang up.
Here’s the rub. After a while they start calling me again. Are they breaking a law? Is my name being marketed to them anew?
Also, it bothers me that my charitable instincts lead me into the craw of this phone spammer. My new policy is that I do no giving whatsoever over the phone. Send me the information on paper and I’ll read it at my leisure thank you very much.
What really bothers me is that they call themselves a publishing company!
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