Yahoo teams up with SBC

Read in the Times today that Yahoo and SBC are teaming up to offer a DSL service and compete with AOL, MSN, and EarthLink. Also saw an ad on TV last night advertising a $29.95 (I think) monthly rate to sign up for SBC/Yahoo DSL.
Well, I already have SBC DSL and I’m paying $20 more than that a month. I wonder if I can switch to the new service? Odds are they’d make me kill my e-mail address and free e-mail aliases in the switchover.
(SBC, or rather Pacbell from my perspective, has a ridiculous policy on e-mail addresses, killing forwever any address once an account is closed—I helped beta test Pacbell’s dial up service years ago and unwittingly put an “xian” account there forever beyond my reach by using it during the beta.)
Still, if I can save $240 a year I should look into it.
Update: A little research (meaning, I read the ads at Yahoo) suggests that the introductory price is only for six months at which point it reverts to the price I’m paying now, $49.95/mo. Still, it beats ISDN, which was metered!

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