
A friend of mine asked me if there are any pot blogs. A quick search found a reference to this Slash-style group weblog at Marijuana.Com and a number of topical blog entries, but that’s it.
It seems like a natural for a personal blog. Or maybe a drugs blog in general. Maybe I should have searched for that. I noticed in Dave Winer’s excellent list of questions for candidates (everyone should do this and we should all try to interview all the candidates) he asked the “why is marijuana illegal?” question. Again, it seems like there might be some stoned blog-readers out there who would flock to a marijuana blog, if they remembered to bookmark it.

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7 responses to “Canniblogs?”

  1. Pete Guither Avatar

    Thanks, filchyboy.
    Yes, Drug WarRant covers the entire drug war, but I certainly spend a lot of time on marijuana. I’ll be working on a drug-war-related guide to the Illinois Senate race soon.
    You might also be interested in the Granite Staters for Medical Marijuana voter’s guide which grades all the presidential candidates based on their views on medical marijuana.

  2. Phil Wolff Avatar

    Qlogger offers a template format for Marijuana blogs. I like this because it’s part of my vision for structured blogging.
    p.s. Canniblog a weblog keeping you up to date with the latest developments in British cannibalism.

  3. buy marijuana Avatar

    I like the blog format. I will use it on my site.

  4. vic Avatar

    I have a blog on my site about Marijuana. I don’t keep it updated very much because i have started a forum also.
    Have a look at: would be great if there are more blogs about marijuana

  5. Benefits of Marijuana Avatar

    I just started a marijuana blog discussing the spiritual, psychological, and physical benefits of marijuana.