Talking Points Memo joins the syndixphere

Joshua Micah Marshall’s essential broadsheet, Talking Points Memo, has retooled its back end with Movable Type 2.64. The design is about the same, although the column width is thankfully a tad wider.
Naturally, the site now has an RSS feed (featuring excerpts, which is the default in MT’s templates), in plain and peanut.

UPDATE: TPM has removed the RSS 1.0 feed (and redirected it to the RSS 2.0 feed).
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One response to “Talking Points Memo joins the syndixphere”

  1. Lockergnome's RSS Resource Avatar

    Talking Points Memo has RSS

    Leading liberal weblog Talking Points Memo now has the usual Movable Type stylee RSS feeds, as I just noted over at RFB but I’m so excited I just want to run down my block and shout it out to the whole world. OK, it’s not that big a deal, but Pete Hopk…