So it occurred to me a month or so ago that the best potential use of the Dead Beat website might be to set it up as a Wiki. Wikis are, among other things, highly collaborative websites.
See, for example, the
Grateful Dead entry in the Wikipedia, a project building an entirely collaborative encyclopedia.
Technically, all this would require is me setting up a wiki engine on the backend. There are many free choices, including several that run on the LAMP platform I prefer (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).
The tricky part is bringing in participants, seeding the wiki, etc. It could build off the strawman taxonomy on the Dead Beat home page (itself sketched out in one of the Dead conferences on the Well).
We could still offer blogs to Dead heads on the site, possibly using Scoop (which powers k5) or Drupal, for those who want a more structured, more “self-owned” writing environment. If the mission of all blog posts are to be somehow Dead related (and maybe categorized), then a combined news feeds from all participant blogs. Currently, just this one, with two active contributors and a few others in the background, and complement the more freeform wiki side of the site.
Something tells me Dead heads would just more naturally prefer the wiki.
[ObDead] Joan Osborne is getting raves.
Wiki – the flood
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