Wow, Zempt is kewl

I’m posting this entry from Zempt. Slick little interface going on here. I like the xmlrpc autodiscovery. When they port this to OS X it’s going to give kung-log (a very cool tool itself) a run for its money. Well, they’re both free so I don’t know what that means. I did donate some money to Adriaan…
So whence ‘Zempt’ anyway?

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3 responses to “Wow, Zempt is kewl”

  1. Jon Gales Avatar

    NetNewsWire has a much better UI than Kung-Long IMHO. It’s very nice. Use it every day.

  2. xian Avatar

    I agree that the NNW interface is good. I’m using it more now that I’ve stopped using Radio’s aggregator (except on autopilot at

  3. Earl Mardle Avatar

    I’m also using Zempt, although it wont load existing Typepad posts for editing until the next version. I’ve also been hitting some problems where there is malformed XML being constructed by Zempt, which then wont load the post. Works OK when I use the web interface so who knows.