Academic book: 'Democracy Online'

Routledge has published an academic tome called Democracy Online: The Prospects for Political Renewal Through the Internet:

Taking a multidisciplinary approach that they identify as a “cyber-realist research agenda,” the contributors examine the prospects for electronic democracy in terms of its form and practice – while avoiding the pitfall of treating the benefits of electronic democracy as being self-evident. The debates question what electronic democracy needs to accomplish in order to revitalize democracy, and what the current state of electronic democracy can teach us about the challenges and opportunities for implementing democratic technology initiatives.

Wow, $85. Looks like it’s targeted at the university market.
Idea for new category: library.

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One response to “Academic book: 'Democracy Online'”

  1. ScaleFree.Net Avatar

    new book: Democracy Online

    It just keeps comin’ & comin’. There’s a new book out, Democracy Online: The Prospects for Political Renewal Through the Internet. It’s a weighty tome, 228 pages for $85.00. From the descriptions it seems to be a fairly conventional approach…