Aggregator watch

Clearing out an old TypePad test blog, I’m porting over some relevant comments from the beta, such as this one from when I noticed that there was no built-in aggregrator (I misplaced the date, but it was sometime in 2003 and I’m though filing a few others around their original datestamps in the RFB chronolog, I’ll just quote this one here):

The market for weblog/syndicated newsfeed readers (often called aggregators) has really expanded in the last year, and it’s about time somebody started comparing and contrasting them, especially since TypePad doesn’t have a built-in syndicated feed reader (nor does Zempt), but some of the aggregators do include tools for posting.
Aggregators include Radio UserLand, Ranchero NetNewsWire (for Mac), SharpReader and FeedDemon (for Windows), hosted services like syndic8 and newsisfree, and NewsMonster, which plugs into Mozilla.
I’m sure I’m forgetting a few, but someone should start comparing and contrasting them and recommending one to TypePad users, no?

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2 responses to “Aggregator watch”

  1. Jamais Cascio Avatar

    The latest version of Firefox includes an RSS reader; the version of Safari shown for the upcoming MacOS X 10.4 also includes a built-in aggregator.
    The beta version of NetNewsWire 2 has split out the posting tool, which is now a separate (beta) application, MarsEdit.

  2. James Robertson Avatar

    You should include BottomFeeder – – free, open source, and cross platform (Windows, mac, Linux, Unix)