Anecdotal response to handwritten letters from Deansters

blogforamerica links to an NPR story about Senior for Dean volunteers who have together written over 1500 letters to Iowa voters, in Keep Those Letters Coming!:

This morning National Public Radio profiled Daniel and Marie Riehl of Seniors for Dean, who have sent more than 1,500 handwritten letters to seniors in Iowa. Listen to it here. As Zephyr reported this morning from the People Powered Iowa Road Trip in Iowa:

C.B. told me about a seniors meeting they went to yesterday. One woman brought all the mail she’d gotten that day, all glossy stuff. She held it up and said, “look at all the money we’re spending on this — and then I got this personal, handwritten letter, and it really made an impression on me.”

“She kept repeating that it was handwritten,” C.B. laughed, “it was HANDWRITTEN.”

You’ve sent more than 170,000 letters to Iowa, and each one matters. But Iowa is just beginning. You’ve shown the commitment to fight for every single and caucus in this election–and no one said it would be easy. We’ve been piled on by the Washington establishment, the Bush Administration, and the national media, but we’re still standing. We’re in this thing for the long haul.

Let’s keep up our momentum rolling, and point your pens toward New Hampshire, and tell them why it’s important to join your campaign and vote for Howard Dean. And sign up for Victory Days letter-writing events on January 18 and 25, when we’ll be expanding our address list to South Carolina voters.

I had a good phone interview with Howard Rheingold this morning. A nice complement to the chat interview with David Weinberger. Talking to these guys who’ve done a lot of heavy thinking about social software and virtual community is a huge help in clarifying the important elements of these phenomena. I’ll clean up my phone notes and email them to Pete and Cecil, to keep you guys in the loop.

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