AP calls the election for Bush

Daily Kos :: Unbelievable – AP Election Day story ALREADY filed (screenshot downthread)…
Another mistake, more innocent than the last few (Fox fakes, AP debate coverage filed in advance) no doubt. Tinfoil hat time.
If nothing else, even in their boilerplate the AP bends. over backward to avoid the appearance of liberal bias. We’re about 20 years behind in working the refs.

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3 responses to “AP calls the election for Bush”

  1. cecil vortex Avatar

    “We’re about 20 years behind in working the refs.”
    True true. But we’re gaining fast.

  2. the RaptorMage Avatar
    the RaptorMage

    “If nothing else, even in their boilerplate the AP bends. over backward to avoid the appearance of liberal bias.”
    You missed the part of the retraction that says the AP test messages are random:
    “The Associated Press tests election results about four times a week leading up to elections, especially one as crucial as a presidential election, to help TV stations and newspapers make sure they are receiving the numbers. The numbers are random with every test; if this error happened a day sooner or a day later, it could’ve been Senator Kerry or Ralph Nader who was declared the winner.”
    Take them at their word until there’s reason not to. (In other words, “never attribute to malice what can be explained more simply by stupidity.”)

  3. xian Avatar

    Good point. I’ll emend my post.
    Still don’t you think they should use fictional candidates or parties just to avoid any unseemly appearances? I guess that’s part of the stupidity explanation.