Book competition?

An L.A. Times story on Dean’s slide mentions more possible competition (emphasis added):

“The messenger exploded, not the message. The message has been adopted in part by other candidates and other causes,” said George Washington University professor Michael Cornfield, whose book “Politics Moves Online” will be published later this month. “There are obvious lessons from the Dean campaign, but ‘Do not use the Internet’ is not one of those lessons.”

That book has a December 2003 pub date on B&N and February 2004 on Amazon. Cornfield earlier wrote Democracy Moves Online (March 2002).

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One response to “Book competition?”

  1. xian Avatar

    I guess we’ll get to see this book soon. I think the fact that our book is not about politics per se even if it does use the campaign as an object lesson means that we aren’t really competing directly with the O’Reilly book or this book. Similarly, I doubt we’re competing directly with the Doubleday book which I suspect will be more about emergent intelligence or “knowledge” in large automated marketlike systems (I’ve had no luck finding a contact for James Surowiecki yet – still waiting to hear back from Elizabeth Spiers who is friendly with his girlfriend, who is an editor at Slate but whose name escapes me at the moment).