Capwiz lobbying tools from Capitol Advantage

Capitol Advantage provides services and tools to coordinate mass lobbying:

Building action-oriented communities is no small task. Capitol Advantage has helped organizations educate and inspire their supporters since 1986.

Capitol Advantage provides the tools and technology to engage and enlist your supporters in the campaigns that are important to your organization.

No other company has delivered more messages to Congress. When your organization needs to step up and influence legislation or public opinion, we’re the only ally you’ll ever need.

They promote an “email relationship manager” called Capwiz™ ERM for communicating to large numbers of people. Their site has, among others, sections for “Web-based grassroots solutions,” “election guides,” “our content on your site,” and “personal engagement tools;” that last category points to another C.A. site:

On, visitors can take advantage of the full suite of tools, services and content that Capitol Advantage has spent nearly two decades developing and mastering. Use our ZIP code search engine to sort through pages of biographical information on national and local elected officials or candidates for office. Similar functionality is available for locating local media, bills and legislation, rules and regulations open for public comment, and much more.

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