Good analysis of convention blogging

Dan Bricklin has put together an insightful analysis of how “event blogging” works and has pulled together a pretty accurate view of what the bloggers have been experiencing and writing about, in What we learn from the Convention blogging.
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4 responses to “Good analysis of convention blogging”

  1. Bob Jacobson Avatar

    Dan’s observations were predictable. Pile on the chaos and you get mega-chaos. Unless bloggers can coordinate among themselves in some slight fashion, there is no way they can provide the rest of us with the slightest conception of the order of an event. This was clear before the Convention sent out invites. Blogging becomes irrelevant.

  2. xian Avatar

    Well, everything’s predictable in hindsight. Dan’s analysis is the first I’ve seen. (David Weinberger agreed with me that he nailed the concept of event blogging.) It’s one thing to say “anyone could have written that.” It’s another thing to write it and sign your name and publish it online.
    Second, blogging may be irrelevant to you, but it’s a strawman to expect blogging to provide a coherent narrative to an inherently chaotic circumstance. I wonder if anyone really expected that?
    At best we can contribute to the kaleidoscopic perceptions by witnessing the events and attesting to our own perceptions.
    Finally, check the Afro-Netizen post Liza links to today and tell me that blog entry is irrelevant, when the networks didn’t bother to broadcast Obama’s speech and the newspapers here in Boston the next day featured a canned “Ted Kennedy leads the attack” summary on the front pages.

  3. The Power of Many Avatar

    Don’t expect a polished master narrative from individual citizen witnesses

    Bob Jacobson called the bloggers here at the DNC “irrelevant” in comments on this entry: Good analysis of convention blogging @ Radio Free Blogistan. My reply: Well, everything’s predictable in hindsight. Dan’s analysis is the first I’ve seen. (David W…

  4. The Power of Many Avatar

    Don’t expect a polished master narrative from individual citizen witnesses

    Bob Jacobson called the bloggers here at the DNC “irrelevant” in comments on this entry: Good analysis of convention blogging @ Radio Free Blogistan. My reply: Well, everything’s predictable in hindsight. Dan’s analysis is the first I’ve seen. (David W…