hochan.NET reading list

I’m seeing some traffic coming in from an blog entry at hochan.NET that also lists Gillmor’s We the Media, The New Media Reader, A Pattern Language, The Great Good Place, Trippi’s The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, and The Healing Power of Doing Good.
I’d be much obliged if a ChineseKorean-reader could tell me what the entry says in full (not just the link to my book and this site).
Update: A reader has commented on this post to explain that Hochan is an A-List blogger in Korea who bought the book and reviews and recommends it in the entry linked from here. Thanks Hochan! And sorry about mistaking your alphabet for Chinese. That just shows my ignorance. (Read the comment below for more insight into the link.)

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2 responses to “hochan.NET reading list”

  1. Tim Keller Avatar

    It’s Korean, not Chinese. Babelfish mostly makes a mess of it but the gist seems to be he bought some books at Amazon & here are his reviews.

  2. hof Avatar

    Hochan is the most famous A-list blogger in (South) Korea. He told that he ordered your book at Amazon. He reviewed your book is very important and useful to understanding blog and personal media. Other links are order list.