Kinja is alpha testing

I spy in my referrer logs with my little eye an incoming link from alpha. kinja. com/ user/ nick.
You may recall that Kinja (née Lafayette) is Gawker Media’s “blog of all blogs” projects headed up by Meg Hourihan.
They must be getting close to having something useful to decloak. I wonder who they will disrupt… technorati? feedster? pubsub? bloglines? blogrunner? findory? none or all of the above?
I’m hoping there’ll be some kind of collaborative filtering or something that helps bring interesting blog content to the fore on a custom basis without a lot of manual filtering and administrivial overhead.

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2 responses to “Kinja is alpha testing”

  1. Peer 1 Blog Avatar

    Peer 1 providing co-location to Kinja, the RSS aggregator for the rest of us!

    Based on rack ’em up over at bitterpill, it looks like Peer 1 is providing colocation to Nick Denton…

  2. Lance Tracey Avatar

    Peer 1 providing co-location to Kinja, the RSS aggregator for the rest of us!

    Based on rack ’em up over at bitterpill, it looks like Peer 1 is providing colocation to Nick Denton…