Online discussion on the impact of participatory media on the 2004 election (Tuesday, Oct 5)

via Susan Mernit’s Blog:

Politics & the Net: Free online discussion this Tuesday: “There’s a free online discussion on The Impact of Participatory Media on Election 2004 happening this Tuesday, October 5, 2004 from 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Eastern U.S. Time

Brought to you by The Media Center, a think tank examining the intersection of media, technology and society, this public webcast focuses on the impact of new technologies and participatory media on the Nov. 2 U.S. election.

Join bloggers, cable news, and print journalists to discuss the transformation in information flow and the rise in grassroots activism demonstrated during this election.

Participants include Markos of DailyKos, Retha Hill from BET, the Washington Post’s Dan Froomkin, and Jehmu Green, prez of rock the vote . Jason Calcanis is the host.
I am dreaming that Dave Winer and Dan Gillmor are in the audience, along with many others who have much to say. Maybe you?

Register here.”

“See” you there.

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