Party for America seeks project manager

Party for America, a partisan group that builds on what was learned running houseparties and organizing other neighbor-related voter awareness activities in the Dean campaign by veterans of the East Bay for Dean grassroots organization (now East Bay for Democracy), is looking for a project manager to help with a web service development project.

If you haven’t heard already, there is a very active project mostly in the East Bay called Party For America. Started by a group of Deanocrats, it now has about 40 members, including 15 very committed developers intensely working on version 2 of a social networking application.
Below is an ad which we recently submitted to craigslist looking for a project manager. If you know anyone interested, or just want to talk with me about our project, feel free to contact me.
Robert Vogel
Director, Party For America

Subject: Project Manager Needed to Defeat Bush

  • You loathe the Bush administration.
  • You know that our California electoral votes are already decided against Bush.
  • You want to do more than just vote and donate money.
  • You are an experienced project manager.
  • You can volunteer at least 15 hours/week of your valuable time.
  • You are invited to join us, and have a real impact on the election.

We are a volunteer organization developing a social networking application to encourage people to vote against Bush, to get involved in progressive causes, and to influence their friends and acquaintances to do the same, both on-line and off-line.
We are developing in Java and deploying on Linux, using CVS for source control and Bugzilla for bug tracking. The application will be released under an open source license.
If you are an experienced Project Manager familiar with that environment, and are looking for a way to have an impact on the current political situation, this is the project for you. Ours is a talented group including a successful CEO, two startup CTO’s, an adjunct professor in software engineering and other professionals.
You will manage a team with responsibility for:

  • Quality Assurance
  • Testing
  • Release Engineering
  • Systems Administration and Network Operations
  • Customer Support

You will interact with the software development team and the business development team to coordinate resources across the entire company.
You will report to the Director, and interact with all senior managers to help develop strategic direction.
We are looking for an experienced project manager who can commit to a minimum of 15 hours per week. Please ask yourself whether you can honestly make this time commitment before responding. In order to have an impact on the election, we’re going to need to get a lot done very quickly.
If you’re interested, please take the time to send a cover letter indicating your interest in stopping Bush, that you understand that this is a volunteer position, and that you can commit to at least 15 hours per week. A real cover letter is the only way we can distinguish genuine interest from “resume spam”. Occasional in-person meetings in Berkeley required, but most interaction is on-line.
This could be the most important project you have ever done. And, working outside of the usual corporate culture with a bunch of like-minded volunteers, this could be your most fun project, too.

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