Scoble and Reuters, face to face Press – Blog Feedback Loop, or The Napsterization of The Non-Fiction Media

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One response to “Scoble and Reuters, face to face”

  1. Pete Avatar

    I realized, as xian and Alan H were discussing push/pull marketing and (without using this particular word) the democratization of communication, that Scoble’s encounter with Reuters is a perfect example (in journalism) of the “short-circuiting” they were saying has taken place in politics.
    Used to be that ordinary voters only communicated with their shop stewards or precinct captains, who then maybe communicated up the line with their city fathers or union heads, who then perhaps communicated with candidates. And exchanging political views with others was limited to your immediate neighbors and acquaintances.
    In news, people used to participate (other than the letters page) only by giving information to reporters, who gave it to editors, who decided which parts to print. To comment on events to others, you almost had to own a newspaper.
    Now, both those care about news and those who care about politics (and of course, these groups have major overlap) can get their message to those in power and those who aren’t.
    To bowdlerize Scoop Nisker, “If you don’t like the news, go out and [report] some of your own.”