With all the chapters rewritten and the glossary nearly done, and the promotional publicity effort ramping up, I spent some time over the weekend trying to crisp up the design of this weblog a bit. I may have overdone it. The middle column is rather narrow in Safari. I’d welcome design feedback. I’m aware that some of my template syntax is jerry-built at best.
I’d also like to work out the problem of getting true domain aliasing working with http://thepowerofmany.com/ – right now permalinks still rely on my underlying x-pollen.com/many site, and that’s the address people are bookmarking and adding to their blogrolls. It would behoove my publisher, who owns the brand of the title, to make it work better (else risk reinforcing the author’s own x-branding).
What else? I don’t know. Tell me what looks wrong in your browser or which jargon to rewrite as succinct plain English or if you’re having trouble understanding this website, the book, the wiki, their topic or how to read the entries in the blog, the earliest of which were posted in late December of last year.
I’m going to post something to my Orkut friends group to see if that brings any beta traffic. The site’s actual launch can really wait till the book is in reviewers’ hands (late July), but for now we can kick the tires. I’ll ask Blogistan readers to wander over and give feedback too, and etc., and the rest.
Site ready for prelaunch
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One response to “Site ready for prelaunch”
I don’t like the color scheme very much, unless that’s goes with the book design. Something closer to the look of the cover image in the center would be nice looking.