Technorati revamps its politics section for the RNC

I was IMing with Dave Sifry last night (we’re both in New York for the RNC – he’s credentialed with CNN and I’m going commando). He showed me the new Election Watch 2004 page at Technorati.
It tracks rising and falling mentions of sites, offers blogger commentary of various ilks side by side, and now includes some interesting charts that graph comparisons of site mentions ( vs., etc.).
Dave has the rundown on his personal blog:

We’ve changed the orientation of the site away from posting the most recent posts by authoritative political bloggers (although you can still get to that view in 3-pane, liberal, conservative, RNC, or combined view) to one that focuses on where the authoritative political bloggers are spending their attention – what we are calling the Politics Attention Index™.
The Attention Index measures the blog posts, news articles, and other places on the Internet where bloggers are pointing. This is similar to what Blogdex, Daypop, Popdex, or even Technorati’s own NewsTalk is doing, but we are limiting the set of bloggers to the ~10,000 most authoritative political bloggers, which we derived by looking at both what bloggers write about as well as how many other political bloggers are linking to them. This is also how we analyzed blogs to find the most authoritative liberal and conservative bloggers, and where they’re spending their attention over the last 12 hours (here’s the Liberal Attention Index, and the Conservative Attention Index). Note that you’ll sometimes find the same items discussed by both liberals and conservatives, but often the items are quite different, or the amount of attention spent is quite different. These authoritative political bloggers became a collaborative filter for events going on in the world – helping to filter out the most interesting and important things going on around the political blogosphere.

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