The final push

Looking for something to do? I got this message from Dan Robinson (lately working on Advokit) last week. He’s good people:

For me this project is all about empowerment of the grassroots. That Dean thing – the real legacy of our work over the last year and a half. AdvoKit is designed to bring people back into the process. While the functionality is pretty standard – what is revolutionary about AdvoKit is that it allows EVERYONE to express themselves. While MoveOn and the Kerry Campaign and the Democratic Party have similar systems that do similar things they are proprietary to those organizations – they have the power – not you.
You are all over committed – but if any of you are looking for something to do to take back this country between now and Nov. 2nd I would like to invite you to participate in this exercise. is designed to facilitate GOTV messages to over a million newly registered voters in swing states (and beyond). These are folks who have been registered by the big non-profit registration drives like Working Assets, True Majority, and a host of others. While there are extensive ground based GOTV operations targetting many who were registered – OVER 1 MILLION are not being reached. We have over 30K names of Minority, Low-income, Young voters in FL right now who will not be contacted unless we reach them before Nov. 2nd.
I would like to ask you to consider doing the following –

  1. Sign up at and make some phone calls.
  2. Join our team. We have paid positions for caller support and quality assurance between now and Nov. 2nd.
  3. Volunteer as an eLeader. AdvoKit is designed to enable small teams to work together to make a difference – but we need team leaders (we have thousands of team members). eLeaders will assist the most active callers (we have one woman in AK who has committed to making 2004 calls before Nov 2nd) make their phone calls by providing coaching and tech support. You can also build your own team – recruit folks (from our EB4Dem list!) and make this happen.
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