The Planetwork Interactive conference, June 5-6, SF

Art McGee of Virtual Identity sent around this announcement for The Planetwork Interactive, June 5-6 (and 7), 2004, San Francisco, CA, USA:

Join Ben Cohen from True Majority and other leaders of online activism, MoveOn, Act For Change and the Dean Campaign, for two days of intensive InterActivity!
This largely self-organizing interactive forum for innovators from information technology, and civil society leaders explore how social networks, the internet and information technology can help create a socially just and ecologically sane world.
The majority of the event will be drawn from the self-organizing process. We are holding half of the time and space open for an InterActive process designed to
promote communication, dialog and networking.
In addition, a dozen topic proposals will be selected from among those posted to the InterActive site by participants before the conference for scheduled half hour presentations on the program. Topics are expected to span a wide variety
of Planetwork themes:
Social Networks and Civil Society
The New ID Commons Technical Protocol
Environmental: Proactive Responses to
Global Warming & Mass Extinction
Digital Democracy: Civil Rights & Civil Liberties
from the DMCA to Touch Screen Voting
Alternative Economics: Online & Offline Strategies
Complementary Currencies, Electronic barter & beyond
Independent Media from Blogs and RSS to DV and TiVo,
new technologies for independent networked news
The Real-World Game: Bucky’s Spaceship Earth meets Sim Earth
a multi-player online game using real data to model future
Major Themes:
Social Networking for Social Good
The Identity Commons framework is emerging as a first implementation of a digital identity protocol which promises to make possible new levels of self-organization and cooperation between social networking sites and throughout civil society. Both technical and social issues surrounding the implementation of this new protocol will be considered in parallel and inform each other at this critical moment.
Internet Activism
The Internet has already changed the landscape of political power as the Dean campaign, Move On, True Majority and others have demonstrated their ability to raise money and mobilize political voices online. The event will bring together leaders of Internet Activism in this election year, Ben Cohen from True Majority, MoveOn, the Dean Campaign, Act For Change, Get Active Software. Social networks may represent the next frontier of Internet Activism.
Planetwork Conference Website
Monthly Planetworking Forum
Augmented Social Network:
Building Identity and Trust into the Next Generation Internet

(via the Deanspace – now Civicspace announcement mailing list)

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