“Wheelchair accessible hot tub”

I’m about ready to take up fingernail biting to alleviate the anxiety of the next 24 hours but meanwhile decided to check out the election eve activities around my neighborhood conveniently provided in an e-mail from MoveON. There were over 40 phone parties listed within ten miles of my house and in the brief invitation blurbs one got the full flavor of Bay Area kulture….
“Take breaks in the hot tub!”
“Just Me and the Phone (1 person is attending)”
“Chicken soup on the stove”
“Bagels and coffee”
“A cat and a cockatiel” (a standard Bay Area warning to guests concerning potential allergens)
“Three dogs who are Kerry supporters and one independent cat”
“Throw the Bum Out (Please sign in with the doorman)”
“Finger food and tea”
“Grapefruit tree in the front yard” (are you sure they’re not lemons?)
“We have Guinea pigs”
“Wheelchair accessible hot tub” OK. I’m there!

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