Where's the story?

Last night I saw Kerry at Fenway and although I slept four hours after arriving in the morning I ended up staying awake until about 3 am east-coast time – so much for my brilliant plan to defeat jet lag.
This morning I went to two bloggers’ breakfasts, one with Henry Waxman (for progressives) and a more formal one presented by the DNCC, featuring guest speakers such as Kerry’s swiftboat vet endorser, Barack Obama, and Howard Dean (who gave a well received speech – this was my first time seeing the man up close). I’ll summarize my notes from those meetings as soon as I can.
Since then I’ve been interviewed by several news outlets pursuing the “bloggers gone wild” angle and I’ve also been helping most of the Mac users get themselves onto the flakey wifi here in the hall. Now that I’m connected I’ll keep updating all day.
Meanwhile, I’m still trying to figure out what the story is.

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