Ad hoc blog workshop at the Sierra Summit?

When I posted about my panel at the Sierra Summit, Philippe Boucher wrote in suggesting we try to arrange for bloggers to meet at the conference or to offer some sort of workshop or hand’s on event for people interested in blogging:

Maybe this conference deserves more than a half hour on Saturday about the new media? I was wondering about using this opportunity to have the bloggers in attendance (if there are any) to meet.

I’m not sure what sort of time people will have available, and I don’t think I’m personally able to organize a blogger’s “birds of a feather”-type meeting. But if someone does organize such a meeting I will certainly attend and would be happy to speak and or help-facilitate.
Philippe goes on:

I also suggested to the organizers a hands-on workshop for people willing to learn about blogging and podcasting by doing it during the conference.

Again, I don’t know about schedule or availability, but I’d be happy to contribute to a blogging workshop. I’m still a novice when it comes to podcasting, so I don’t think I could anchor a workshop on that but I’d definitely be interested in attending one.
Finally, Philippe asked me, “Is there any plan to record your session for a podcast?”
I’m not aware of any such plan, but I’ll find out.

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