- 10:00 Deliberative Democracy and Interactive Technology because for me today is all about politics and technology though
- 10:00 Web Design 2010: What Will the Web Look Like When It Turns 20? also looks like a great panel and I hope someone blogs it
- 11:30 Are Political Parties Obsolete? because it’s going to rock and, uh, I’m on this panel; in fact, it’s the fundamental reason why I’m here though
- 11:30 How to Leverage Decentralized Social Networks is where I’d be if I didn’t have a conflict, because it’d be my first chance to hear danah and Jonas here, and Tantek is brilliant (and I feel bad about ragging on Ernie on the irc channel during the Bloggies yesterday)
- 12:45 My book signing after relentlessly flogging and plugging my book shamelessly throughout the preceding panel
- lunch?
- 2:00 Keynote Conversation with Alex Steffan and Bruce Sterling because World Changing is such a great blog and I was reading books by Sterling before I even heard of Arpanet
- 3:30 Turning Pink into Green: The Online Business of Pleasure because of the ethics slant of the panel’s topic because we all need to feel less guilty about our sexual urges (well, who am I to say “we”? I guess I’m a human and I’m going to project my personal inner world solipsistically on the whole shebang) or
- 3:30 Spam, Trolls, Stalkers: The Pandora’s Box of Community because it’s a great topic and a murderer’s row of panelists (Jay Allen from 6A, Liz Lawley, Cam Barrett, Kottke, and Steven Champeon from hesketh and webdesign-l) – all of whom are people I’ve long admired from afar and most of whom I’ve finally met here)
- dinner?
- 7:00 Bruce Sterling’s SXSWi Closing Party because everyone says these parties are always great, and if they’re anything like last night’s Blogger and Gawker parties then I can look forward to hours of thoughtful drunken raving and random serendipitous encounters
My SXSW Tuesday schedule
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