Opening up the book-revision process on a wiki

Because I’m about to check out of my hotel for my return flight from SXSW, I’m just going to swipe Steve Rubel’s Book Editing Wiki Style post from his essential, how does he do it, I remember when I had that level of energy and ethusiasm for blogging, Micro Persuasion weblog:

BusinessWeek reports
that Stanford Law School Professor Lawrence Lessig is opening up the
revision of his book, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, to public
editing this week via a JotSpot wiki. The editable Web page will be the
vehicle for people to participate in the revision process, the results
of which will be published in print this fall.

In related wiki news, Eastwick Communications has launched
a new practice in conjunction with Socialtext called eastwikkers that provides services and technology
to organizations that are looking to integrate new-media tools into
their communication programs. Also, MS&L has launched its BlogWorks practice. They are the agency working with GM on their blogs. See a trend here? I think there’s room for all of us.

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