Surrender to the Flow

Frank Paynter writes:

I’m sure Adam Rifkin speaks for many of us when he says:

Why does having a blog mean feeling perpetually behind? (Not just in
having something to say, but in finding time to type it in, press POST,
sending the bits over the 802.11, out the 10Base-T, through the router,
down the T1, over the leased line, off the bridge, past the firewall…
nothing but Net?)

Has it really been a fortnight since my last confession?

I think the answer is to let go of the immediacy compulsion. I have several thoughts I’d like to develop into long posts (i.e. very brief essays). I have some tidbits of online research I’d like to share. I have a couple of larger blog-proj items I’d like to get done, and I’m perpetually behind. That’s just how it is.

Frank, I know that feeling well (Adam Rifkin’s Karma…), perpetual “behindness,” but for me the repeated lesson of blogging is to let go, stop worrying, and learn to love the drift.

Trust you subconscious ability to do triage and spend your attention where your heart’s priorities lie. The wheels will squeak when they need grease. Just stay in the moment and keep paying attention. It’s not your job to document the entire cosmos let alone your entire flow of awareness. It’s like yoga. If you do any of it ever it’s a Good Thing. Trust the force, Frank.

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One response to “Surrender to the Flow”

  1. Relax, Everything Is Deeply Intertwingled Avatar

    Unstuck In A Moment

    I’m sending this message in a bottle through time. I’m pressing the send button on 03/03/05 and sending it back to January 15, when the first draft of this message was written. A dozen typepad drafts separate this moment in