SXSW and Etech as swear words

Quoting 90% Crud: Thank you for not mentioning the outside world:

Is there a proxy that would let me filter any content with the words “SXSW” or “ETech”? That would help me feel a bit better about being in Michigan over the next week. I suspect the Chinese have it in place to keep all their geeks from spending this week in the US. Maybe there’s something to auto-block people who use those words in IM, or I could install something like netnanny and tell it that those are swear words. Not that I’m bitter…

And here I am in the green room sitting several tables away from Jonl and Emilyg and Choconancy just because I need to be plugged into a power outlet. Priorities, dude! get some, he chastised himself.

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