There must be five ways to quit your day job

Five tips on How to make money from your blog:

  1. Sell advertising
  2. Help sell others’ products
  3. Solicit contributions
  4. Market your services
  5. Deepen your existing customer relationships

I’s mostly a Tip 4 kind of guy with a bit of Tip 5 mixed in. Unless you count the incredibly lucrative Google ads, that is. Croesus ain’t in it.

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One response to “There must be five ways to quit your day job”

  1. Weblog Scene Avatar

    There must be five ways to quit your day job

    Five tips on How to make money from your blog: Sell advertising Help sell others’ products Solicit contributions Market your services Deepen your existing customer relationships I’s mostly a Tip 4 kind of guy with a bit of Tip…