I’m making my plans for SXSW and getting tips from experienced attendees like George aand Austin residents like Sarah about what to do. Sarah reminded me of the 20×2 event (20 speakers, one question, two minutes each). Looking over the participant list I recognized a few names right off the bat (Dave Shea, David Galbraith, Nick Finck – all people I know only by reputation although I did meet David once in passing at a bloggers’ dinner in SF a year or so ago), but I realized that I wasn’t familiar with the website listed after David Galbraith’s name: wists.com
So, I went to check out wists.com and it’s another social networking tool in beta. This one seems to be geared toward creating and acquiring lists, such as wishlists and bookmarked items, and sharing them with other people. If you copy anyone else’s items, you are considered their friend. That’s as much as I’ve figured out so far and I’m not sure I even got that part right. I’ll keep poking around and see.
I imagine a number of people will be announcing or launching sites at SXSW (or ETech, which is at the same time). I’ll be flogging my book of course, but I’ll also be pointing people to Mediajunkie, my digital media agency, and to Monkey Vortex Radio Theater, another project I’m into up to my neck.
Wists visual bookmark friends network
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