Blogging and identity panel proposal for SXSW

Hugh Forrest, the indomitable lead organizer of South by Southwest Interactive has announced a public process for voting on and vetting panel ideas for next year’s conference. Apparently it will take several rounds, with the first round narrowing down the 173 panel proposals.

The voting is open to anyone, but the votes of past attendees of SXSW are weighted more strongly and those of past presenters are given even further weight.

Here’s part of Hugh’s announcement:

I wanted to alert you that the online interface for panel proposals for the 2007 SXSW Interactive Festival is now live. This page allows users to give us their feedback on which of the many outstanding panel proposals they feel are most appropriate for next year’s event.

Complete directions for the voting process are listed on the site. Deadline for voting is September 8.

I’ve got two panel proposals in the running, the first of which is more directly related to the mission of this blog:

Every Breath You Take: Identity, Attention, Presence, and Reputation Online

No privacy? Spy on yourself and commodify your attention stream! Countless representations of ourselves flood the net with information daily. What is happening to our models of attention? trust? reputation? Rate my new fighting style unstoppable and I’ll trade you this artifact I forged in Worlds of Warcraft… Expect a lively debate from noted experts on attention and identity and skeptics who think most of the sentences above are content-free.

(filed under blogging and education / sociological)


You’re It! Tagging is so over! It’s the People, Stupid!

Resolved: the tagging meme has overstayed its welcome. No, tags aren’t going away but they are not a user-experience panacea. Are we folksonomic yet? Some ideas about the next frontier in malleable, emergent information architectures and classification schemes. Plus, how to apply the lessons of the global social internet to more niche oriented web application development projects. Tag pioneers, theorists, and skeptics beat a dead horse.

(filed under social networks and user generated / open source)

Vote for my panels and eight others! (occasional RFB contributor Liza Sabater has three great proposals up, including one on and another on blog “sheroes” and Jon Lebkowsky, my partner in hosting the blog conference on the Well has a couple more worthy of a vote). I also recommend Prentiss Riddle’s panel idea bout teaching children to program with Lego Mindstorms.

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3 responses to “Blogging and identity panel proposal for SXSW”

  1. xifer Avatar

    I voted but since we have the same last name that might make it “suspicious.”

  2. IAlog Avatar

    SXSWi 2007 panel selection begins

    SXSW has announced the beginning of public input to the selection of panels for SXSW Interactive 2007. Visit their panel picker to vote for your favorite 10 among the 173 panel proposals received so far.
    It’s a hard choice. I counted 40 panel…

  3. Rayne Avatar

    Ditto – I voted, but fortunately my last name is in no way similar.
    Thankfully the voting process didn’t ask for any potential conflicts of interest…
    And definitely sold on the Lego Mindstorms as a programming tool. Wish it had more appeal to girls, but I think that’s an opportunity.