Blogging’s impact on PR (and vice versa)

The other day I ducked down to my room on the 8th floor of the Hyatt Regency Vancouver to get some money to buy drink tickets at the welcoming cocktail party at the IA Summit.

Ran into David Weinberger, who’s been refining the plenary keynote he’ll be giving to kick off the official proceedings tomorrow. We talked about some of the emerging themes in his current book project (called Everything is Miscellaneous and eagerly awaited in this corner) and he mentioned that he’s noticed recently that marketing and particularly PR folks seems (finally) ready to board the Cluetrain.

“If blogging were to change PR,” he said (quotation approximate), “that would be big.”

“Let’s hope that PR doesn’t change blogging, though,” I said.

“It already has, to some extent” he kinda replied.

“We wouldn’t want blogs to become the silencer on the gun of PR,” I said, gesturing with my hands as if screwing a silencer onto a gun, something I would have no idea how to do in real life, but I’ve seen a lot of movies with Nazis and gangsters in them.

“That’s a great image,” he said. “You should blog it.”

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(reposted from The Power of Many as a test to see if Technorati will pick up the tags, which it didnt from the POM entry)

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2 responses to “Blogging’s impact on PR (and vice versa)”

  1. Mike's Points Avatar

    Other great points. . . .

    Hey, I gotta have some good stuff (even if it does link to others) rather than have the Strumpette soap opera at the top of my post lists. So, for your reading, surfing and thinking pleasure, I point you to:…