Catching up with NAN

Hey, I’m only a month late on congratulating Jay Rosen on the launch of NewAssignment.Net (“an experiment in open-source reporting”). My excuse is I was finishing a novel and working full time, but what about the blogs, Christian? And who will think of the children?
Here’s some tidbits from Jay’s update of the time, which have no doubt been superseded by new news that I will be sure to report sometime in mid-2007:
>The launch package includes…
>+ an interview by Amanda Michel with Regina Lynnn, sex device columnist for who uses a forum she runs to do one type of smart mob reporting
>+ my announcement of the launch (yesterday) of the Polling Place Photo Project, which will attempt to collect digital photos from polling places across the USA
>+ a feature by David Cohn on what is doing, which Jason Calacanis calls “meta-journalism”
>+ my interview with Asa Dotzler
>+ Steve Fox, formerly of, explains why he quit there and agreed to work with us; and more.
>Our plans for the test site are…
>+ daily content, M-F that tracks new & noteworthy developments in open source journalism and networked, pro-am reporting, plus any related Web. 2.0 stuff;
>+ interviews with key people (practitioners like Asa Dotzler of Mozilla and Regina Lynn, observers like James Surowiecki of The Wisdom of Crowds)
>+ lesson-learning from prior projects that definitely bear on NAN
>+ we will introduce elements of NewAssignment.Net’s operating style, preview and critique some possible projects for 2007, and begin to recruit participants and contributors – i.e., build the network during Nov., Dec. and January 07.
>One thing you will notice is a tab section for NewAssignment Lab. That will be the section of the site where we invent stuff, run experiments and trials, try to break ground. Matthew Burton’s proposals on reading the laws open source style will go there. Reports on the Poling Place Project will go there. Anything have to do with invention.



