Latest 'Polar Bear' survey up

Beth Koloski, editorial assistant for the third edition of the Polar Bear book has posted an invitation to take another survey:

To gather information for the next edition of Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, Lou Rosenfeld and Peter Morville have been surveying the IA community.
The third survey, Software for IA, is now open. It consists of five questions, and we estimate it will take five to ten minutes to complete.
This survey closes on August 1, 2006.
The first survey covers trends in the field over the past five years, and the second provides general feedback on the second edition. Future survey results will be posted on the IAI site as well.
Results from the first two surveys are up on the IA Institute website.

Here are the questions:

  1. Over the past 3 years, which three software products have you used *most* to perform information architecture work?
  2. What software, if any, have you worked with in each of the following categories? If you’ve worked with several, please them list all. Skip those categories in which you haven’t worked with any software.
  3. What additional software categories should be on the list above, and what actual software have you used for those categories?
  4. Is there any other software relevant to IA you feel is important or interesting (even if you aren’t using it)?
  5. How do you find out more about IA-related software and tools? Any websites, books, lists, etc. you’d recommend to others?
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