Raw notes from technology roundtable with former Presidential candidate Mark Warner in San Francisco on November 17, 2006

When I have a moment, I’ll upload the lo-qual cellphone pictures I snapped and embed them here. Maybe I’ll even get around to cleaning up these raw notes into something coherent or even listing who all was there. For now, all I have time to do is dump the notes I t9’d into my “smartphone” and gmailed to myself:
>tech change cuts through everything
>fundamentalist fear of sweeping change… how to prepare people for the inevitable change?
>beyond tech industry policy issues
>how to help people get their voices heard
>most politicians lesson from Dean is fundraising, meetup, and something vague about blogs
>media, always a generation gap
>natural to kids, unnatural to parents
>industry issues more about incumbancy vs innovations
>i fought the incumbents on the telecom issues
>i think we need a national policy re broadband and need to protect innovator’s ip
>a creative commons model plus individual choice
>principles going back to the founders
>tech industry is politically incompetent
>we look to politicians for leadership
>tech change not inevitable
>i would argue america got seduced by the tech bubble
>but it’s happening now… evangelism is called for
>and education
>we are behind in mobile because of carrier lock down
>politics needs to get beyond money
>how to get politics beyond money???
>tech = economic promise but the issue got elevated beyond national leadership
>i disagree
>i strongly disagree
>1890s railroads bubble (analogy), then carnegie
>was approached by a candidate in 2004 but not interested in campaigns… unless it’s taken straight into governance… but they were scared
>acceleration… viet nam 8 yrs, iraq 3 yrs
>in the next 3 wks i’m scared of a gulf of tonkin
>i believe just get the bad guys out of the way…
>overarching theme is freedom
>anil, wagner james:
>techies exhibit real unseriousness about terrorism and predators
>space race target analogy
>cultural not political the 30s
>parks analogy
>freedom opportunity national greatness

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