South by Southwest panel approved

One of the two panels I proposed for SXSW next spring garnered sufficient votes to make the cut. It’s the one on identity, presence, attention, trust, privacy and so on, called “Every Breath You Take.” I’m excited about moderating this panel and I’m in the process of pulling together the other panelists, which I’ll announce as soon as everything’s settled.
Meanwhile, the deadline for proposals for the IA Summit (also next March) just passed and I managed to get in one for a presentation on Mobile IA and another for a panel on Lessons from Failure. Additionally, I’ve signed on as a panelist for two other cool ideas proposed by other people that I’ll discuss here if and when they are approved. As a director I’ll be involved in the annual public meeting of the board of the IA Institute at the Summit as well.
Looks like March will once again be a busy conference / travel season for me, with SXSW in Austin as always and the Summit scheduled for Las Vegas later in the month.

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