Stolen phone automatically uploads photos of thief's family to Flickr

practicalist: authentic media, exhibit b — pictures of the family of the person who stole my cell phone posted to my flickr account:

…what a great illustration of how social media, inadvertently or not, blows away all normally private separate identities and separate worlds! I don’t just know something about the person who took the phone, I see some of the more intimate details of their family and life. Social media and applications create conditions which would otherwise be impossible. These technologies are only beginning to have a profound impact on social norms and behavior.

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One response to “Stolen phone automatically uploads photos of thief's family to Flickr”

  1. john Avatar

    I have had 5 mobile phones stolen from my house and i an certain it was by a person in the family.Can you tell me how to set up my contract phone so that i can do the same as you and try to find out if it is the person i believe it is who is the thief.They say once a thief always a thief so i believe it will happen again.