Miscellaneous tweetage

one unbook technique: put your book on github… http://icio.us/nhqsjx

lovingly hunting for bugs in the pattern library’s new design on the staging server

omg! this Pattern Language of Group Process http://grouppatternlanguage.org/ project/site/thing is amazing… need to dig into it further.

wow, i’m acting like a loose cannon online these days… take a step back from the keyboard, self…!

where does palin stand on fluoride in the water?

I see another article in the current ASIS&T bulletin recommends that UIs “Talk Like a Person”: http://bit.ly/159e4K

the last three oyster (of 110). we cooked the Hama-hamas, at the kumamotos and fanny bays and others raw. http://yfrog.com/0b9edj

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